Filmsound: vom Falkenschrei bis zum Akkordeon vor dem Eiffelturm

Besonders schön ist dabei die lange Auflistung von Klischees im Gebrauch von Musik und Soundeffekten in Hollywood. So zum Beispiel:
- Animals are never ever silent - dogs whine/bark/yip, cats meow or purr, cows moo, even in cases where most animals wouldn't be making a sound.
- Bombs always have big, blinking, beeping timer displays.
- When the star travels to...
- London, we see a shot of Big Ben and hear Rule,Britainia.
- Hong Kong: a Chinese junk and wooden xylophone music (or a deep gong).
- New York: a traffic jam on Broadway and frenetic xylophone music.
- Paris: the Eiffel Tower and accordion music.
- Radio
- When listening to music on the radio in the car, the song on the radio never changes during a single scene. The scene rarely outlasts the song...if it does, one of the characters will turn the radio off before the end of the song.
- There are never any commercials on the radio.
- It's always easy to find romantic makeout music on the radio right when you need it.
Technorati Tags: film, sound effects, klischees, soundtrack, hollywood
furukama - 9. Mai, 10:48
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