Sounddesign im Spiegel

>> Volltönend herzhaft
Tags: unternehmen, auto, sound, klang, corporate identity, corporate sound
furukama - 1. Aug, 16:05
2 Kommentare - Kommentar verfassen - 0 Trackbacks
Daniel Neamu (Gast) - 21. Sep, 19:59
brandxpress blog moved to a new address
First of all sorry I post the comment this way but there was no way I found to contact you, other than this, to contact you.
My name is Daniel Neamu and I am running brandxpress blog. I really want to thank you for the appreciation you show to my blog by listing it in your blogs list. Related to that I want to inform you that brandxpress blog has moved to a new address: and I kindly ask you to update the link in your blogroll, as the old blogspot page I soon plan to delete.
Thank you very much!
First of all sorry I post the comment this way but there was no way I found to contact you, other than this, to contact you.
My name is Daniel Neamu and I am running brandxpress blog. I really want to thank you for the appreciation you show to my blog by listing it in your blogs list. Related to that I want to inform you that brandxpress blog has moved to a new address: and I kindly ask you to update the link in your blogroll, as the old blogspot page I soon plan to delete.
Thank you very much!
Martin (Gast) - 4. Apr, 01:28
Hallo, ich habe auf meiner Webseite vor kurzem einen Blog einfügen lassen. Da mich Dein Thema interessiert und ich eventuell auch von meinen mehreren Hundert Besuchern täglich sicherlich einige Interessenten hätte, möchte ich jetzt gerne die Trackback Funktion nutzen, kenne mich da aber nicht aus. Weißt Du wie ich einen Trackback von Deinem Blog zu meinem Blog auf meiner Seite setzen kann? Viele Grüße aus Köln, Martin
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